Rig Veda

Mandal - 1 (Part - 1)

HYMN 179 Rati


'Through many autumns have I toiled and laboured, at night and morn, through age-inducing
Old age impairs the beauty of our bodies. Let husbands still come near unto their spouses.


For even the men aforetime, law-fulfillers, who with the Gods declared eternal statutes,--
They have decided, but have not accomplished: so now let wives come near unto their husbands.


Non inutilis est labor cui Dii favent: nos omnes aemulos et aemulas vincamus.
Superemus in hac centum artium pugna in qua duas partes convenientes utrinque commovemus.


Cupido me cepit illius tauri (viri) qui me despicit, utrum hinc utrum illinc ab aliqua parte nata sit.
Lopamudra taurum (maritum suum) ad se detrahit: insipiens illa sapientem anhelantem absorbet.


This Soma I address that is most near us, that which hath been imbibed within the spirit,
To pardon any sins we have committed. Verily mortal man is full of longings.


Agastya thus, toiling with strong endeavour, wishing for children, progeny and power,
Cherished - a sage of mighty strength - both classes, and with the Gods obtained his prayer's


Membrum suum virile, quod vrotentum fuerat, mas ille retraxit. Rursus illud quod in juvenem filiam
sublatum fuerat, non aggressurus, ad se retrahit.


Quum jam in medio connessu, semiperfecto opere, amorem in puellam pater impleverat, ambo
discedentes seminis paulum in terrae superficiem sacrorum sede effusum emiserunt.


Quum pater suam nilam adiverat, cum ea congressus suum semen supra wrrarn effudit. Tum Dii
benigni precem (brahma) progenuerunt, et Vastoshpatim, legum sacrarum custodem, formaverunt.


Ille tauro similis spumam in certamine jactavit, tunc discedens pusillaximis huc profectus est. Quasi
dextro pede claudus processit, "inutiles fuerunt illi mei complexus," ita locutus.

9 '

The fire, burning the people, does not approach quickly (by day): the naked (Rakasas approach) not
Agni by night; the giver of fuel, and the giver of food, he, the upholder (of the rite), is born,
overcoming enemies by his might.'


