Ara House, Ara

Ara House, Ara

Ara house in Ara, the district headquarter of Bhojpur district, is presently located within the premises of the Maharaja College. It is a small double-storied structure on a raised plinth built by Vicars Boyle, an Engineer of the Eastern Railway before 1857, during the British rule in India. It was intended as a billiard room, the residence proper being a short distance away. The Ara house covering a total plinth area of 51' square consists of a billiard room with a smaller room, a bathroom attached on one side and a verandah in front with semi-circular arched colonnade. The Ara House became famous in 1857 when insurrection broke out and a number of British officers took their refuge within this structure and put up a gallant defence till they were rescued by the British soldiers.


